


Volunteering is not only a great way to give back to your community, 但这也是培养你专业技能的好方法. It is a practice of great value for those looking to enter careers that involve helping the less fortunate, 比如社会工作或者戒毒咨询. 如果你定期参加志愿者活动, you can use that as background on your resume while applying for a job. Employers like to see that their candidates have a great variety of experiences, and volunteering is a great way to distinguish yourself as a strong candidate.

在布雷西亚大学网上,我们提供几个 在线学位课程 这包括以帮助他人为职业. Whether it is a degree in pastoral studies or human services, we help people turn lending a hand into a full-time profession. Volunteer opportunities are a great way to reinforce the study of helping others.

Here are a few volunteer opportunities in the Owensboro area.


As a homeless shelter serving the Owensboro community for more than 20 years, the Daniel Pitino Shelter is in constant need for volunteers. The center was founded by famed Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino, and named after his son Daniel who passed away not long after his birth. The center offers a variety of services for the homeless including shelter, 施粥所, 还有免费的医疗诊所. They have become a large part of the Owensboro community and have helped countless through tough times.

To volunteer at the shelter, visit their website to contact a volunteer coordinator. They also accept walk-ins at any time during their open hours. You will also need to complete a few standard volunteer forms, and you’ll be ready to go.


自1947年以来, the Wendell Foster Campus has been serving persons born with developmental disabilities in the Owensboro area. The campus offers a variety of services for the disabled including residential living, 治疗中心, and a technology center that assists the functional abilities of individuals with physical disabilities. The campus allows individuals to live independently or with the assistance of a highly trained staff.

Volunteer opportunities are a great way to reinforce the study of helping others.

The volunteer opportunities at the Wendell Foster Campus are plenty. Community Companions are always needed by the center to work with the residents. These volunteers visit residents a few times a week and join them for a variety of activities. Companions may listen to music or take a walk with their new friend, 并将以各种方式帮助他们. This opportunity is a great chance to create a bond that benefits both individuals in a profoundly.


The 欧文斯伯勒动物保护协会 is an independent “no kill” animal shelter that serves the area via taking in and adopting pets. The facility not only serves as a shelter but also offers services like training classes, 绝育服务/, 还有微芯片插入. The facility is also fosters an animal rescue program that has been recognized by animal rights organizations.

The shelter is fully funded by donations only, so it is very welcoming to volunteers. The facility takes volunteers who participate in animal care, 市场营销, 清洁/保养, 甚至是特殊事件. 欧文斯伯勒动物保护协会 is also always looking for families willing to serve as foster homes as they are waiting for a more permanent residence.


欧文斯伯勒一个以基督教为基础的辅导服务, MentorKids肯塔基州 matches Christian adults with at-risk children to develop friendships. These youth are often troubled are in tough situations either at home or at school. The group is in constant need of strong role models willing to spend time with these kids in need. This is a great chance to become an important part of a young person’s life.


This long-term care facility takes care of several senior citizens in the Owensboro area. The center provides them a variety of services including various activities, meals, and health care. Hermitage welcomes volunteers interested in interacting with the residents on a regular basis. Volunteers will regularly visit with residence and help them through many activities.

These are just a few of the many opportunities available for those wanting to engage in volunteer opportunities in the Owensboro area. If you find community service a highly enjoyable activity, 考虑以帮助他人为生. The 在线学位课程 at Brescia University allow you to develop skills to become a professional helper.

不知道你想走哪条路? 参加我们的测验来决定 你真是个好帮手. For more information on Brescia’s online degrees, visit our program pages today.